Individual Impact Of Individual Lives Saved
zoe waited for 3 years and now lives with a family who loves kangals

Born in 2014, rescued in 2017, adopted in 2020
Breed: Purebred Kangal and lover
Current Home: With an amazing couple and their dog Ernie
My story: I was found abandoned on the streets of Aegina, Greece, desperately looking for scraps to survive. So many dogs suffer from the same fate as I and are getting abandoned daily in Greece. I was emaciated and soooo hungry. Because I am a very friendly dog with humans and animals alike, the people who found me had pity with me and despite of the shelter being full, they thankfully rescued me and took me into the shelter.
During my time at the shelter, I transformed into a beauty of a dog. A a purebred Kangal (Anatolian Greek Shepherd, I am a very large and proud dog. I am 28 inches tall and am 88 pounds loght. I am playful like a puppy with kids and with other dogs alike and one of the most easiest going dogs when I have mental stimulation and dog savvy owners. I could not find a home because of my breed and my age, so I am more than thankful that Zero Stray Pawject got involved. They found me the best home with my new parents, both ex military and retired. My new parents never leave us alone but take us with them anywhere they go. I walk about 5-10 miles per day over 10-12 walks and I love it. They had four Anatolian shepherds before and know what I need. And they have the time to make sure that I am happy. And I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy with them. Thanks ZSP for finding me with the next home ever. I found heaven on earth!