SPONSORED: by Luca and Cate Pisaroni and Lenny and Tristan, Vienna

Born: estimated in 2008

Weight: 27 kilos

Breed: English Setter

Gender: Male

Health issues: A few skin bumps due to age and needs senior dog food

In Foster Care since:May 2013, currently in Mykonos

Chip number:  956000004549398

My story: I was hanging around at a gas station after spending a significant time on the street after my owner decided to abandon me. The gas station first took care of me as a semi stray. But the people at the gas station then thought it was not safe for me to be in between all those people and cars and decided to give me to foster care.

When Zero Stray Pawject found me last year, I was kept on a chain, living in my own feces. They were so appalled that apparently I was one of the reasons, why they started Zero Stray Pawject. I am good with other dogs. I saw cats a few weeks ago and first I was scared, then curious. I am longing for human contact more than my fellow dogs. Whenever I see people, I stump my little feet on the ground so that you come for my living area first. All I want is to get petted. I will stick my head out to you so that you can better reach my head to pet me! I am craving for human contact. The co-founder of Zero Stray Pawject is in love with me and I always put my head on her shoulder. We stay like this for 15 minutes, still, just hugging and her holding me. I want to find a family that gives me this kind of love and security - I am insecure at times. But I will need experienced dog owners. If you can give me a home, I will love you forever and I will be more grateful than some of my friends because I have had so many bad experiences in my life. I am one of the favorite dogs of the people who take care of me and I know all they want is for me to find MY human on my old days. I am an amazing and "regal" dog. Will you help me to make my dream come true?