
Remi, you were one of the most amazing dogs 🐕 we ever met. You left an impression on everyone who ever met you. There was something about you that not many dogs have. We will never forget you!


Life and death are closely intertwined in animal rescue. Sadly, Remi lost his battle to liver cancer on August 13th 2018. He had been shortly before diagnosed with five tumors in his liver by a team of Cornell vet hospital experts, something that cannot be operated on as the liver is too fragile to remove so many tumors from and in addition, he was anemic, so would have not survive a surgery. Chemotherapy does not work in this stage. He had very limited time left before between the diagnosis and the moment when he crossed over the rainbow 🌈 bridge.

Remi was a cancer survivor 💞and he had been doing so well. We all thought he had beaten cancer months before it came back.  He was just doing so much better and better, full of energy and joy.

But cancer is unpredictable. 

Life is just not fair 💔. He finally found an amazing home with Janet, Duane, Sam (do you remember Peter Pan?), Bailey, their two rescued horses, eight rescued cats on a 4 acre farm 🏠 in Upstate New York 11 weeks before he was diagnosed. An incredible place where he was able to run around all day and enjoyed playing with his canine buddies and his dad Duane, where he was loved 💘, where he was FINALLY getting spoiled, where he sleept in Janet’s bed at night 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩. Remi was rescued a long time ago and had waited for a long time, and whilst Remi had a very good life in our partner shelter and even a large fan club around the world 🌎, he really wanted a home of his own 🏡. 

In 2017,  we gave him a promise to find him with his ideal home and we did. Sadly tough, Remi was able to experience the warmth of a loving home for 12weeks. We were hoping for many many years to come. 💧

Silja from ZSP drove up during the weeks of uncertainty to meet Janet and Remi, Sam and Bailey for a last good bye. Remi still got his spirit during their last meeting on August 7th where the attached photos were taken- he loved ❤️ the car and jumped right into Silja’s car and then back into Janet’s car with the air conditioning on :-). He got spoiled with two Hot Dogs 🌭 which he devoured 😘. But you could already see that he was tired. His face was not the same. You could see how cancer left its marks on his face, in his eyes. He was on medication and thankfully not in pain, but he hads a low energy level and although he wanted to be with you, he preferred to sleep 💤 next to you rather than showing his usual high energy level and playfulness. Though, once in a while he perked up, is his usual old self of being “alert” and even tries to bark “intruders” away 😆 and plays with a ball 🎾 .

Despite of his illness, Remi was a very happy boy even in the final weeks of his cancer, because he finally got what he wanted. You could see how he had changed, he was CONTENT despite of all he went through.
He finally BELONGED!

Dogs live in the moment and one says that they can’t tell time ⌚️ like humans do, so Remi lived  in the ‘HERE’ and ‘NOW’. Despite of his low energy, he was excited when he played with the ball in the final days before passing,  and enjoyed running around all over the farm, saying hello to his new horse 🐴 buddies, he savored sleeping next to Janet and Sam in a warm bed and had become a couch 🛋potato 🥔.

He finally found what he was looking for..

Many tears 😭 have been shed over the past week. We all love ❤️ Remi very very much. And we are sending lots of positive energy and strength to Janet and Duane to go through this incredibly difficult time. Janet was in love with Remi from the first time she saw him on our website. And Remi was a very SPECIAL person.
Our hearts 💕 are filled with pain and sorrow, but also with joy because he finally experienced what it is like to live in a home where he was getting spoiled.

At least, he crossed over the rainbow bridge in the arms of his parents who LOVED him SO SO MUCH and only god knows why he had to leave this earth so quickly at a young age of 5 years ! ❤️😭

We put together a film of his best and last moments so that Remi will always be remembered in our hearts for the dog he was.

R I P Baby !