Individual Impact Of Individual Lives Saved
Remi was one of the non-adoptable dogs but thanks to zsp he found heaven on earth. sadly he passed from cancer

Born in Dec 2012, rescued in August 2016, adopted in May 2018
Current Home: With Janet and Duane
My story: I was found abandoned around area Aiginitissa in Aegina. I may have come from Athens to be abandoned in Aegina by my previous owner. This is unfortunately quite common. So, I appeared one day on the street and tried to climb into every car. I was so desperate to go back and find my family. I am super friendly, but people were scared of me because of my looks. I really did not understand why, I cannot see myself in the mirror, so why did people scream or run when they saw me? The neighbors felt pity for me and fed me because I am such as good boy! But at the same time, they got worried that I may get poisoned or shot, because I am a very large dog with dark brown colors and a mixed breed that naturally has some stigma attached to it.
But in fact, I am a gentle soul. All I want is for you to love me! I lived in a shelter temporarily before ZSP met me and fell in love with me. I never found a home in Greece and since I am a mastiff mix, there was no chance for me to get adopted in Europe because many countries have mastiff import bans. I am considered as a dangerous breed. But the only thing that is dangerous around me, is that I am dangerously in love with humans and will do anything for them! I love people so much!!
Well, in May 2018, I was finally able to travel to NYC thanks to ZSP and I moved into my new home in upstate New York by the end of May with Janet, Duane, Sam (also a dog from Aegina and ZSP), Kisha, Bailey and 8 cats and 2 horses. Janet is amazing and worked for 25 years at the SPCA and knows dogs well. The farm is massive and I have a lot of time to run around and to play. I love the little creek right next to the farm and I love to play in the water and to swim. Thank you ZSP, without you, I would have never found my home! Silja, the co-founder of ZSP is madly in love with me and I am sure I will see her often in the next years, also because Janet and Silja became friends.