Individual Impact of individual lives saved
Myko finally is safe and home

Born in 2014 (estimated), Rescued in August 2015, Adopted in October 2015
Breed: Sensitive Mykonian beach boy Mix
Current Home: with Heather and Jennifer B and their family and dogs
My story: 'My name is 'Panormos' (or at least was that originally) and I had an amazing summer at Panormos beach - how cool, they named the beach after me! - I am calm and just want to be petted, but not more than 17h continuously so that I can sleep...something called 'winter' was coming and I was told that all the tourists who petted me and fed me all summer would go away, I didn't like that! That is why I hoped that one of the tourists would take me with them and give me a home! And somebody did! This woman from New York found me, she got me to a foster home where I was in a safe haven. She then found me a new home in New York where I am now loved and where I live with my other dog friends! I flew to NY in October 2015 and I am now a happy dog called "Myko" (why name just a beach after me? Name the whole island of Myko[nos]! woof woof)