Individual Impact Of Individual Lives Saved
cara (carmen) was very shy but traveled to the u.k. for her home

Born in Sep 2014, rescued in 2015, adopted in November 2018
Breed: "Lady shy Gaga and previously terrified of humans"
Current Home: With a family in the U.K.
My story: I am a calm small female pup. I was a very shy dog and a bit gaga at times, hence my name. I am a love bug but really did not trust people easily. But one woman from the U.K fell in love with me. It was love on first sight and she took a chance. So I traveled to the U.K and now live with her and five small dogs in the countryside. We have a big garden and I immediately fitted in. I am so happy that I was given a chance to love and be loved.
Finally !
The adoption was made possible through Friends of the Strays of Greece in the U.K.