Individual Impact Of Individual Lives Saved
bilbo now LIVES in godalming, u.k.

Born in January 2015, rescued in February 2017, adopted in January 2018
Breed: Charmer
Current Home: With Sheena, her family and 2 new best dog buddies in Godalming, U.K.
My story: I was found on the street. Nobody knows whether I had a previous owner, but I am a little shy with lots of people and lots of dogs. I was hanging out with Brummel on the street where I lived before. Brummel is the leader of our pack. But Brummel was shot. A nice lady picked us up and brought both of us to the vet. Afterwards we could not live on the street anymore and so afterwards came to the shelter, where we stayed for almost one year. Unfortunately I am sick and need ongoing medication, so despite of my beauty and sweet character, it was not easy to find me with a home.
But 2017 was my lucky year. Sheena, a visiting vet from the U.K. who has come to the shelter in Aegina for many years and has been helping the Aegina team for many years, fell in love with me during one of her visits in 2017 and adopted me in January 2018. I flew to the U.K. and am allowed to live under the care of an outstanding vet who also happens to be my new mommy! There, I have the best chances to get all the treatment and love I need. I now live with 2 other new dog buddies, and although I was always very close to Brummel, I can now finally start my own live, happily-ever-after. Oh, and if you haven't seen, Brummel got adopted, too!! We are two very lucky dogs and I am soooooooooo happy!!!