Individual Impact Of Individual Lives Saved
perseus NOW LIVES IN liverpool, Uk

Born: September 2016, Rescued December 2016, Adopted on July 15th 2017
Breed: The Rottweiler mix pup who is the sweetest soul ever
Current Home: Loverpool, UK with Samantha B., her husband and teenage sons
My story: I am Kassiopi's son and was born on the street, more specifically in an abandoned house as my mother was looking for a place to deliver. I have 8 more brothers and sisters and all of them survived! People were taking care of us when we lived on the street, even during snow we survived!! I finally found my home and flew to the UK in order to live with my new mommy, her husband and two teenage sons. I am so happy here and hope that all my my siblings will find such a wonderful home!
The adoption was made possible thanks to Friends of the Strays of Greece